

# -- INICIO RC.LOCAL touch /etc/systemd/system/rc-local.service echo "[Unit] Description=/etc/rc.local Compatibility ConditionPathExists=/etc/rc.local [Service] Type=forking ExecStart=/etc/rc.local start TimeoutSec=0 StandardOutput=tty RemainAfterExit=yes SysVStartPriority=99 [Install] " > /etc/systemd/system/rc-local.service # touch /etc/rc.local echo "#!/bin/bash # # rc.local # # This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel. # Make sure that the script will \"exit 0\" on success or any other # value on error. # # In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution # bits. if test -d /etc/boot.d ; then run-parts /etc/boot.d fi exit 0 " > /etc/rc.local # chmod +x /etc/rc.local # systemctl enable rc-local sleep 0.5 systemctl start rc-local.service sleep 0.5 systemctl status rc-local.service > /home/$usuario/rc-local-service sleep 0.5 nano /home/$usuario/rc-local-service fi # FINAL DE CICLO IF if [ -d /etc/boot.d ]; then echo ' /etc/boot.d existe' touch /etc/boot.d/arranque else mkdir /etc/boot.d touch /etc/boot.d/arranque fi echo '#!/bin/bash' > /etc/boot.d/arranque echo ' # Coloque aquĆ­ todos los servicios y comandos # que desee arrancar como root. ' >> /etc/boot.d/arranque chmod 750 /etc/boot.d/arranque cat /home/Base/respaldos/Instalador/Install-general/Variables-ficheros/boot-d-arranque >> /etc/boot.d/arranque nano /etc/boot.d/arranque